Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm a Gemini - We're Supposed to Multitask!

So I took a night to think about the multitasking (and also about the anonymous reader who suggested that I communicate with no less than 4 but no more than 7 guys at once - 7!!) and feel a bit more prepared to really dive in. I got onto eharmony and sent my 2nd and final round of questions to the guy who was pleasant but kind of blah - it's the last step before we start emailing on our own - like big boys and girls! I also sent emails to two seemingly normal and interesting guys who "winked" at me on match and said "No Thanks" (what a convenient little button!) to three guys who 1) were outside of my chosen age range by 8 years, 2) were outside of my dating range by 25 miles, and 3) had a bunch of pictures of him and his ex-girlfriend (it was obvious it wasn't his sister, before you suggest it). If my ex-boyfriend included a bunch of photos of me on his dating profile, I'd probably give him a swift kick in the babymaker.

So if all of these people write back to me, and if Grammar Guy stops sucking, I will be communicating with 5 guys at once. I think that's a little more like what I am supposed to be doing here. But I have to say, I'm getting a little bit stressed out. What if...just what if...I hit it off with someone and I am totally swept off my feet? What would I do? Would I tell the other guys to hit the road? Would I tell the man of my current dreams that we met because I was doing an "experiment?" Would I hide my match profile while we were dating, and therefore automatically lose the chance to get the extra 6 months free, or would I keep dating other people to maintain the integrity of this blog, and be dangerously close to wandering into "cheating" territory? Yes, I know I am getting ahead of myself, but I have to think about these things so I can have a plan of action should the time come. Any suggestions?

In other news, I finally did tell Pro Arm Wrestler that I was uncomfortable with his affection for affectionate nicknames, and he was totally cool with it. He even said that it's made him uncomfortable when women do it to him - so that's a relief. If I got one more text with "sweetie" or "sexy" in it, when he really has no idea if I'm sweet (kind of) or sexy (um, obviously), I was going to scream, and the non-stop cringing was starting to give me wrinkles. He asked me to have drinks this coming Sunday night, but unfortunately I have to work. It's a bummer too - Sundays are the best nights for blind dates. Since most people have to work the next day, no one gets hammered schmammered, and in turn the chances of a drunken first date hookup which will then ruin any chance of a real relationship forming are exponentially slimmer than if you went out on a Friday, Saturday, or even a Thursday. On the flip side, if your date does get hammered schmammered despite having to work the next day and tries to have sex to you, then congratulations, friend - you've just weeded out a loser.

Updates on the new guys to come as soon as I have something to share!

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