Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fakers and Frauds

I have received two communications, in the last two days, from guys who clearly cut out their "profile pictures" from some catalog. Some of the pictures were black and white, some were color, sometimes the guys were shirtless, sometimes they were wearing a flannel shirt, and all had chiseled jawlines and perfect teeth.

I can only imagine that someone who felt that no woman would want to talk to them based on their real profile picture and so posted one of a nameless male model, must either be incredibly insecure about their appearance, or they are frighteningly unattractive. I can't even begin to think about how incredibly awkward it would be to start up a communication with one of these dudes, thinking they looked like a gorgeous handsome man, and then when you finally meet and someone who looks completely different (in a bad way) shows up. What the hell do you say?

I am adding a new rule that I don't have to go out with anyone who is obviously a fraud. And if you don't like it, then you can go out with the pseudo-Abercrombie man.

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